Environment & Occupational Safety


In our unwavering commitment to preserving the environment, Team Shiv Shakti Industry considers its ecological and economic elements. Through our production methods, we strive for environmental harmony with corporate activities, thereby protecting and improving the global environment.


Our employees are the most valuable asset at Shiv Shakti Industry. Our first priority is their health and safety. To promote safety awareness, all levels of staff get ongoing training.


At SSI, we think that our CSR objectives are the finest way to give back to society. Our ongoing efforts to advance good change are supported by a number of corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects that focus on improving healthcare facilities, education, and the rural infrastructure in the area. We are dedicated to using a green and clean approach for a better future. The use of renewable energy, recycling and conserving water, and switching from wooden packaging to returnable packaging are the main initiatives in this field.
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